I want to learn more languages

by Sol

Before I die, I want to live a incredible life and learn more lenguages than English, like Korean or french, because my first lenguages is Spanish and I'm learning English right now but its difícult.

On top of that, I want find my aspiration in life and be happy. Well, I hope I wrote this right.

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Sep 17, 2020
Whatever YOU want is right :)
by: Nicole (OysterEnglish)

Whatever you want to do before you leave this planet is right! It's your decision and I can see you are a polyglot and language lover. Me too!

We always forget that we had difficulties learning our first language too. We don't remember how hard it was to speak our first words and learn how to make sentences. But we WANTED to speak so we persevered and kept trying.

Keep trying to do different things until you find out what makes you feel happy and inspired. All the very best!

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