Idiom:  a drop in the ocean


Idiom:  a drop in the ocean

  • a small amount of what is needed (especially compared to a larger amount of something)

Example sentences

— We just had a brief shower but it was a drop in the ocean of the rain needed to put out the wildfires.

— Donations are a drop in the ocean of our operating budget. Most of our income comes from used-clothing sales.

— Although I'm pleased I lost five lbs, it's a drop in the ocean of the weight I have to lose before my wedding next year.

— I'm a surgeon but my income is a drop in the ocean compared to Kim or Kylie Kardashian.

— These negative complaints are a drop in the ocean of the overall feedback that we've received, so let's keep things in perspective.

— After four months of writing, I finally finished my first chapter but it's a drop in the ocean of the writing I need to do to complete this book.

— We're going to have to hire some temporary employees because the orders we filled this week are a drop in the ocean of what we'll have during the holiday season. 

— The scholarship was a drop in the ocean of my tuition costs, so I'm going to a community college instead.

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