Idiom: all the rage
Note: This frequently is used to refer to something that was very popular for a short period of time (trendy).
— Do you remember when bell bottoms and platform shoes were all the rage?
— Watch this YouTube channel if you want to find out what fashions are all the rage in Paris.
— During the Coronavirus pandemic, Zoom became all the rage for people to communicate with each other.
— PS5 is all the rage right now.
— I need to get a dress for prom. What's all the rage now?
— When I was growing up alternative music was all the rage. Now hip hop is popular.
— "Schoolcations" are all the rage now and this article explains how to take one.
— Holistic holidays are all the rage these days. People want to explore spirituality with new religions and alternative medical treatments.
— Let me guess. Your new hairstyle is all the rage, right?
— I do thank my teenagers for helping me understand what's all the rage. Otherwise, I'd never understand half of what I see on TikTok, Instagram and Twitter.
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