Idiom:  (just) to be on the safe side


Idiom:  (just to) be on the safe side

  • doing something to prevent an unwanted outcome
  • being careful or cautious

Example sentences

— To be on the safe side, let’s leave an hour early so we don’t miss the start of the game.

— You might be hungry later—at least bring a sandwich or a banana just to be on the safe side.

— I wish we had been on the safe side and had only promised we could deliver four trainings instead of fourteen!

— I wanted to be on the safe side and didn't ask for a higher salary because I was afraid. That was a big mistake.

— To be on the safe side, we should leave for the airport four hours before our flight.

— People who achieve great things in life are rarely on the safe side.

— If you're vegan, I wouldn't recommend you eat that soup just to be on the safe side.

— We're staying home during this pandemic just to be on the safe side since my grandmother lives with us.

— Set the table for six just to be on the safe side. I think Sharon's boyfriend is joining us.

— Please exchange some of your money into euros and British pounds before your trip just to be on the safe side.

— I'm packing my dress for the wedding in my carry-on bag just to be on the safe side.

— Next time, I'll be on the safe side and get my teeth cleaned every three months instead of every six months.

— Let's meet at 6:30 pm to be on the safe side. I get off work at 5:00pm but sometimes my boss gives me last-minute assignments.

 Next semester we need to hire a substitute teacher just to be on the safe side.

— I'd rather get the COVID vaccine to be on the safe side. There's always a risk but at this point almost every death is someone who is unvaccinated.


  • play it safe
  • cover all bases
  • not push your luck
  • hedge your bets
  • not take any chances

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