Idiom:  bear fruit

Picture of a tree with big lemons and the definition of "bear fruit": to produce a desired result.


bear fruit: 

  • to yield a positive result
  • to produce a desired result

Example sentences

  • You've been going to the library everyday for the past two months so I really hope your studying bears fruit this semester.
  • We were pleased to see that our management training program bore fruit when staff retention and productivity both increased by more than 50% over the past year.
  • Keep up the good work. Exercising and eating well always bears fruit for good health.
  • I'm glad that I invested in automatic sprinklers. I can already see that watering my lawn more frequently is bearing fruit.
  • Sadly, our most recent marketing campaign did not bear fruit and we wasted $35,000.
  • It's been an investment but the 15 sessions with my personal trainer at the gym are finally bearing fruit. I'm so strong now I can almost bench my weight.
  • This low-carb diet better bear fruit in a few months or I'm going to be so upset I'm missing Pizza Friday at work.
  • Be patient. Saving small amounts of money out of each paycheck will bear fruit by the end of the year.
  • My persistence in making sales calls every afternoon has born fruit.  I've just heard I won the company award for best salesperson this month.
  • I started to eat yogurt instead of donuts for breakfast and after three months my new diet is bearing fruit — I’ve lost five pounds already.
  • I've been paying an extra $25 dollars on my credit card balance every month and after nine months my efforts are finally bearing fruit.


  •  come to fruition

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