Idiom:  call it a day

idiom call it a day


Idiom:  call it a day

  • to stop work or another activity
  • to end doing an activity for the day because you feel you have done enough (but will resume the activity the next day or at a later time)
  • to terminate or end something

Example sentences

— We’ve been working for five hours and everyone's tired. I say let’s call it a day.

— Shall we call it a day or work another hour to finish entering the data?

— The meeting went late into the evening. We didn't call it a day until around 9:30 in the evening.

— There's no way I'm going to finish my report this evening so I may as well call it a day.

— Okay class, even though it's a few minutes early we'll call it a day and I'll see you next Thursday.

— After these last two questions we'll call it a day and reconvene tomorrow morning at 8 am.

— Are you calling it a day after playing for just 15 minutes? You'll never learn how to play the piano if you refuse to practice.

As Johnny Mathias sings, "Guess it's over, call it a day. Sorry that it had to end this way. No reason to pretend. We knew it had to end someday, this way."

— I had to call it a day with our cleaning service because they just weren't thorough enough and I was getting too many complaints.

— I got stuck in traffic and by the time I arrived at Happy Hour everyone had already called it a day and gone home.

— That was my wife on the phone. She wants to have dinner in 20 minutes so I've got to call it a day.

— You're making too many mistakes. If you're tired, let's call it a day.

— It's getting dark and hard to see the tennis balls. Shall we call it a day?

— I can't work in this heat any longer. I'm calling it a day. Hopefully the air conditioning will be working properly tomorrow.


  • call it quits
  • hang it up
  • wrap up
  • come to an end

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