Idiom:  carry on


Idiom:  carry on

  • to continue doing something

Example sentences

— When my husband lost his job he was brave and carried on as if everything was okay.

— As the British say, 'Keep calm and carry on.'

— My dog died during final exams and it was really hard to carry on but I had no choice.

— I think you should take a week off of work instead of trying to carry on after your sister's death.

— I really hate being a lawyer but I've got to carry on until I've paid off all my student loans.

— This client is very difficult but we have to carry on until the end of the contract.

— I couldn't carry on with this job a day longer and just handed in my resignation.

— I wish we hadn't carried on as long as we did but we were worried a divorce would upset our children.

— I hate it when Samantha complains all day. She just carries on complaining about the smallest things.

— We're all inspired at how my sister carries on even though she has stage 3 cancer.

— You probably got sick because you tried to carry on and the stress just became overwhelming.


  • keep on
  • keep on keeping on
  • carry out
  • go for broke

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