Idiom:  dawn on someone


Idiom:  dawn on someone

  • to suddenly understand something
  • when something suddenly to be clear

Example sentences

— It finally dawned on my wife that our youngest child was taking money from her purse.

— It never dawned on us that we'd have any trouble understanding the British speaking English.

— When did it dawn on you that you are allergic to your cat?

— When I started to put the groceries away it dawned on me that I'd forgotten to buy bread and milk.

— Did it ever dawn on you that I might not want your mother to come live with us?

— When the report contained changes I hadn't approved, it slowly dawned on me that my assistant was sabotaging my work.

— One day it will dawn on you that lying isn't helping your relationships.

— When I heard my thirteen-year-old chatting in the bathroom it dawned on me that she may have bought a cell phone by herself.

— As I pulled into the office parking lot it dawned on me that I'd left my lunch on the kitchen counter at home.

— Guys, it's slowly dawning on me that we should have gotten off at the last subway stop.

— When my husband brought home a pizza again last night, it dawned on me that he is trying to sabotage my diet.

— It never dawned on me that you don't like tomatoes until I overheard you tell the waiter. Why didn't you tell me before?


  • cross someone's mind
  • spring to mind

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