Idiom:  half a mind to do something


Idiom:  half a mind to do something

  • considering doing something
  • threatening to do something, although not likely to actually do it

Example sentences

— My dog had half a mind to eat the steak but she jumped off the table when she heard me coming.

— I have half a mind to tell your father how you speak to me. 

— We have half a mind to tell the director that our boss doesn't come in to the office when he's gone.

— I've got half a mind to go professional rather than take this college tennis scholarship.

— I wish I'd had half a mind to travel to Africa when I was younger.

— The policeman had half a mind to arrest the kids for drinking but decided to give them a warning and challenge them to a dance-off instead.

— I had half a mind to drink the milk but it smells a little bit funny so I didn't.

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