Idiom: (stuck) in a rut
Note: A rut is a deep, narrow track in the ground made by the wheels of a vehicle.
— I was in a rut at the gym doing the same cardio exercises but when I added weight training, I really started to lose weight.
— I'm stuck in a rut at this job and need to find something more interesting and challenging.
— You're depressed because you're in a rut. Maybe you should join a club or volunteer somewhere.
— This department is in a rut. Let's get out of the office and do a team building activity.
— My husband's in a rut so I just booked a three-day skiing trip for next week.
— The kids were stuck in a rut playing video game so I signed them up for swim classes.
— If you're in a rut, go see an inspiring movie or go to the theater.
— My girlfriend and I are in a rut just staying at home, so we're driving to the country to go wine tasting tomorrow.
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