Idiom:  in case


Idiom:  in case

  • if this situation happens

Example sentences

— In case I’m not home by seven o’clock, please start cooking dinner.

— I made snacks to take with us to the festival in case they don't have vegetarian food.

— In case I don't see you before you go, have a safe flight and come back again soon.

— We brought an extra umbrella in case you need it.

— In case you know anyone who is looking for a babysitter, my daughter is home from college for the summer and is available.

— I've never used AAA's towing service but it's comforting to know it's available in case I need it.

— In case you didn't know, Jonathan's mother passed away yesterday and he'll be on leave for the next two weeks.

— Bring a sweater in case it's cool inside the movie theater.

— Please feel free to contact us in case you have any questions.


  • in the event

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