Idiom:  in the market for something


Idiom:  in the market for something

  • interested in or looking to buying something

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Example sentences

— I’m in the market for a different apartment so please let me know if you hear of anything.

— We’re in the market to buy a new car but want to wait until the new models come out in a few months.

— My son's in the market for a new job. Do you have any contacts at Amazon or Microsoft?

— Although I wasn't in the market to change companies, someone contacted me via LinkedIn and I start my new position next month.

— Do you know anyone who wants to sell their mini-fridge? My roommate and I are in the market for an inexpensive one.

— And finally, if anyone's in the market for office chairs, we have a few for sale downstairs.

— After seeing your amazing photos, I'm in the market for a new DSLR camera.

— I desperately wanted a Tesla when they came out but now that I live in the city I'm no longer in the market for one.


  • could use something
  • be dying for something

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