Idiom: jog one’s memory
— Does this empty pack of cigarettes jog your memory about your promise to quit smoking?
— I’m trying to jog my memory about where I put my keys.
— Do these receipts jog your memory about some of the other charges on this month's credit card bill?
— When I woke up wearing a tuxedo, I had no idea why until an empty bottle of champagne jogged my memory about my roommate's 21st birthday party.
— I tried to jog my mother's memory of where she parked her car but she had no idea and we had to get a security guard at the mall drive us around until we found it.
— Does the name Samantha Fox jog your memory? The name sounds so familiar to me.
— A photograph of an old red barn jogged the victim's memory of the attack.
— Looking through my old yearbook jogged a lot of memories of my high school days.
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