Idiom:  jump off the shelves


Idiom:  fly / jump off the shelves

  • to sell very quickly

Example sentences

— Sorry, we don’t have any more of those laptops left—when they went on sale last Friday they jumped off the shelves.

— These hand-painted bird houses are really flying off the shelves.

— The new iPhone is jumping off the shelves even though it's $1,000.

— After we put out samples of the chocolate-covered crickets, they jumped off the shelves.

— Offering a "buy one, get one free" special is a great way to get expiring merchandise to fly off the shelves.

— Whenever Princess Kate Middleton wears one of our dresses, they fly off the shelves within hours.

— We're expecting a huge winter storm tomorrow and by the time I'd got to the store today, all of the water, batteries and other essentials had already jumped off the shelves.

— The veggie sticks chips jumped off the shelves once we set up a table with free samples.


  • go / sell like hotcakes

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