Idiom: jump the gun
— Last year we jumped the gun with our sales promotion so we better find a better date and make sure everyone is ready this year.
— Be careful not to jump the gun with Jessica. I suggest at least a year-long engagement before you get married.
— Don't you think buying baby clothes for your grandchild is jumping the gun since your daughter isn't pregnant yet?
— I wish I hadn't jumped the gun and resigned before I found another job.
— Don't jump the gun and worry about advanced marketing techniques when you still haven't developed your first product.
— You've only applied to Harvard Law School—don't jump the gun and sign an apartment lease until you're accepted.
— Unfortunately, I jumped the gun and hammered in this panel but I needed to put the shelf in first so now I've got to take the entire cabinet apart.
— I jumped the gun and started running before my ankle fully healed so I injured it further and the doctor had to put my foot in a cast for the next three months.
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