Idiom:  leave something open


Idiom:  keep/leave something open

  • to keep something possible or available
  • to intentionally keep a date or timeframe open
  • to not commit to something

Example sentences

— Can you please leave the 15th-16th of December open for a possible management meeting?

— We want to leave the itinerary open for now while we think of the exact places we want to visit.

— I'm leaving all of next week open in case someone cancels and I can see Dr. Johnson.

— Please keep the schedule open next week for interviews for the new receptionist.

— I can't keep the meeting room open forever. Will you need it on Friday?

— I asked Sarah to prom but she told me since it's six months away she's leaving her options open.

— Leave the afternoon panel discussion open until we find a moderator.

— Could we keep the agenda open until the end of the week?

— I left the date open the last time and they didn't even have to courtesy to call so I'm not doing that again.

— Yes, we can keep the waiting list open if people want to put their names on it.

— Should we keep the month of June open? We're always invited to a wedding or two.

— I'd like to keep the discussion open if possible. Perhaps we can offer drop in hours and create an anonymous drop box where anyone can leave a written message.

— We're leaving our options open about where we're going to buy a house until we get to know the area better.

— My son was offered a full scholarship to Penn State but he's hoping to keep his options open a few weeks longer until he hears from other schools.

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