Idiom:  off the mark


Idiom:  off the mark

  • not accurate or wrong

Example sentences

— His comments were off the mark—or else recent studies have proven his theory wrong.

— When you said I looked angry you were not off the mark.

— His final shot was off the mark and he lost the competition.

— The weather forecast was completely off the mark—I wish we hadn't canceled the picnic.

— Believe me, everything she says is off the mark.

— Political polling has been off the mark on occasion but typically it's been reliable.

— Our social media campaign was way off the mark and upset a lot of our customers.

— That statement is way off the mark and we have the facts to prove it.

— What should we do since the figures are so off the mark?

— The projections for rainfall this year were off the mark. We had 25% less rain than expected.


  • off course
  • off target
  • wide of the mark

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