Idiom: on someone’s case
— My wife is always on my case about keeping the garage clean and tidy.
— My parents were never on my case about anything—I guess I was a pretty good kid.
— I have to get off the phone now. My mom's on my case to finish my homework.
— Your boyfriend's always on your case to wear dresses—doesn't that annoy you?
— I've got to pay my Visa bill tonight or they'll be on my case again calling night and day.
— Will get on your case again if your grades drop the semester.
— My daughter is a personal trainer so she's always on my case to exercise.
— My boss is on my case again to reach my sales target. It's so stressful.
— I'm tired of getting on your case about our taxes. Please give me the information tonight so I can forward it to our accountant.
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