Idiom:  play your cards right


Idiom:  play your cards right

  • do the correct things to get a desired result
  • behave in a way that will get you an advantage 

Note:  This expression can be used in any person (your, his, her, our, their)

Example sentences

— Play your cards right in college and you’ll get a great job after you graduate.

— If I play my cards right, I'll get a huge bonus check at the end of the year.

— I wish we had played our cards right and paid off our mortgage instead of remodeling our home.

— played my cards right by saving money and not going into credit card debt so I was able to buy my first house at age 22.

— If you play your cards right, you can get your Master's Degree for free by taking courses while working here because they offer tuition reimbursement.

— If you had played your cards right and focused on your grades, you would have gotten a college basketball scholarship.

— I'm trying to play my cards right by taking on extra projects at work, so hopefully I will get a promotion in the future.

— My roommate played her cards right by working throughout college so now she doesn't have a lot of student loans like I do.

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