Idiom:  stick one’s neck out


Idiom:  stick one’s neck out

  • to take a risk or make oneself vulnerable

Example sentences

— We can wait until tomorrow to return this, I’d rather pay a late fee than stick my neck out driving in this snow.

— Thank you for sticking your neck out and bringing this to me—I hope no one saw you take it.

— I was shocked when another girl stuck her neck out for me in class and criticized the teacher for cutting me off when I was trying to give my opinion.

— Sorry, but I'm not going to stick my neck out and lie to protect my siblings anymore.

— Do you really think it's wise to stick your neck out and lend your boyfriend $5,000 from your savings?

— I'm glad I stuck my neck out and wrote directly to the CEO for a job. He called me in for an interview Tuesday.

— My assistant is extremely loyal. She even stuck her neck out to defend me against a board member when I couldn't be at the meeting.

— I'm glad I stuck my neck out to propose our company establish a scholarship for underprivileged kids. We need to do more to support our community.

— They're asking me to stick my neck out to save them from a difficult situation again. It's not worth the risk anymore.

— I've been sticking my neck out for you for the past year and you won't do this one favor for me?


  • go for broke
  • chance it
  • take a stab at something
  • take a chance
  • go out on a limb
  • try one's luck

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