Idiom:  take a joke


Idiom:  take a joke

  • to keep good humor when someone makes fun of you

Example sentences

— Yes, that's a great card for your father's 40th birthday. He can take a good joke.

— There are five boys in my family and I’m the only girl. Luckily, I can take a joke because they’re always tormenting me.

— Don't ever tease the receptionist because she cannot take a joke.

— It will really help if you can take a joke because there are a lot of pranksters working here.

— I can take a joke but when my friend showed people my diary it was very cruel.

— Be careful what you say because not everyone can take a joke and embarrassing people in front of others at work can create a hostile environment.

— My grandfather is so great. He can take a joke without having any hard feelings at all.

— Have you ever noticed that people who like to play jokes on others often cannot take a joke themselves?


  • laugh at oneself
  • see the funny side of something

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