Idiom:  take issue with someone/something


Idiom:  take issue with someone/something

  • to disagree with someone or something

Example sentences

— take issue with fanatics who disrupt events.

— We take issue with the extra charges on this bill and want to speak with the manager.

— Our delegation takes issue with amendment A and proposes the following wording instead.

— We take issue with your conclusion that Millennials are too lazy to vote.

— Did anyone take issue with the proposal?

— It's okay that you didn't reach our target. It happens. What I take issue with is your negative attitude.

— You might not mind but perhaps your wife will take issue with your son's aggressive behavior.

— I don't know why they didn't sign the contract. They didn't take issue with any of the provisions yesterday.

— Why didn't you take issue with this earlier when we could have addressed the matter?

— My parents took issue with my video gaming until they saw how much money I was earning on YouTube.

— The reason I took issue with him as a moderator is that he kept interrupting the speakers and the people asking questions.

— We certainly take issue with your argument that healthcare is not a fundamental right. 

— Does anyone take issue with the proposed name change?

— I'm sorry but I have to take issue with the seating arrangements. Our major donors need to be seated at the head table. We don't have any other choice.

— The management team takes issue with how you are disciplining the team.

— I think any legitimate researcher would take issue with the methodology used in that study.


  • call in question
  • be out of tune with
  • split over something
  • quarrel with someone
  • part company
  • protest against
  • frown at
  • part company

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