Idiom: the same old, same old / same old
— It’s the same old boring office as when you left a year ago.
— My life is the same old, same old: study, practice, eat and sleep.
— Our school dance is the same old, same old every year.
— You guys always fight. It's just the same old, same old.
— She got ridiculously drunk at the party. It's just the same old every weekend and I'm getting a bit worried she has a problem.
— We're going to the same old campsite for our summer holidays. It's beautiful though.
— My assistant is 45 minutes late again. It's the same old every week and I'm tired of it.
— It's the same old, same old with you. Will you every tell me the truth?
— A: "What's for breakfast?" B: "The same old, same old I'm afraid."
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