Idiom: turn the tables (on someone)
— My wife turned the tables on me and started mowing the lawn and taking out the trash. Now I have to cook, clean, grocery shop, iron and do the wash.
— Our opponents turned the tables on us and started playing aggressive defense in the second half of the game.
— I sure hope my son will turn the tables and become serious about his studies.
— Our staff was chronically late. We turned the tables on them by allowing them to have flexible work hours but requiring them to scan their ID into a time clock at the start and end of the work day. Now, everyone is on time because they don't want to leave the office late.
— It was clever when the actress said, "Let's turn the tables for a moment" and then asked the television host really personal questions about his sex life.
— With just a few days left before the election we have to be prepared the opposition will try to turn the tables with some dirty tricks.
— "Let's turn the tables in the second half," the coach yelled as we returned to the playing field after halftime.
— Today's hearing is going to be very interesting. Our witness' explosive testimony will turn the tables on this case.
— If we don't find a way to turn the tables soon we are going to have to start laying off employees next month.
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