Idiom: until/till' hell freezes over
It's common to use either form: until hell freezes over or use 'till hell freezes over.
The idiom is frequently used with "before" and "when" to describe how something is not likely to happen.
Meaning 1: Forever
— Those two will hate each other until hell freezes over.
— I’m sure politicians will be liars 'till hell freezes over.
— We'll keep searching for the missing hikers until we find them or until hell freezes over.
— I'll protest and fight until hell freezes over before I hand over my guns.
— The mass murderer was convicted and sentenced to prison until hell freezes over.
Meaning 2: Something is unlikely to happen
— Hell will freeze over before you get into Oxford University.
— For the thousandth time, no! I'll go on a date with you when hell freezes over.
— My father always said he'd stop smoking when hell froze over.
— I hate to say this but hell will freeze over before my daughter wins a beauty pageant. We still support her doing them though because she believes in herself.
— When my granddaughter told me she would clean her bedroom when hell freezes over, I was shocked into silence.
— You'll get an apology from Rebecca when hell freezes over. She's so stubborn and never admits being wrong.
Forever meaning:
Unlikely meaning:
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