Idiom:  walk the walk (and talk the talk)

Image of shoe footprints with the sentence: We always give the applicants a writing test to make sure they can walk the walk.


Idiom:  walk the walk

  • to show something by your actions (and not just by your words)

Note:  This is often used in combination with: talk the talk. (walk the walk and talk the talk)

When someone "talks the talk," they talk about things in a confident or impressive way that it seems they are very good at what they do. However, this does not necessarily mean they can or will actually do what they say. 

When you actually "walk the walk," you take action and demonstrate what you're saying by doing the things you talk about.

This is often used in combination with:  talk the talk.

When someone "talks the talk," they talk about things in a confident or impressive way that it seems they are very good at what they do. However, this does not necessarily mean they can or will actually do what they say. 

When you actually "walk the walk," you take action and demonstrate what you're saying by doing the things you talk about.

Example sentences

— If you're going to talk the talk you have to walk the walk.

— We always give the applicants a writing test to make sure they can walk the walk.

— He was an excellent player in high school and practiced regularly but he never walked the walk in college because he was always partying.

— My mother always talks the talk about kicking my brother out of the house but she never walks the walk so he just treats her with more disrespect.

— You always say you will quit your terrible job but you never walk the walk.

— Walk the walk and your employees will follow your lead.

— I stopped eating junk food because my kids could see I wasn't talking the talk but not walking the walk.

— Step 1: Create a good plan. Step 2: Walk the walk. Step 3: Don't criticize yourself. Begin immediately again after any setback.

— I really don't care what you say anymore. Just walk the walk instead of talking the talk!

— We all know there are those who talk the talk and those who walk the walk. I'm the latter.

 His academic qualifications are great but can he walk the walk when working on a team?

 On this team only Sharon and Hasan walk the walk. You can depend on Karen to talk the talk.

 When you walk the walk you build character, my son.

 I really don't care what you say anymore. Just walk the walk instead of talking the talk!


  • actions speak louder than words
  • practice what you preach
  • talk is cheap
  • talk a good game
  • step up
  • put your money where your mouth is
  • earn your stripes
  • lead the pack

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