Why are you learning English?

Why are you learning English?

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There are many reasons why people learn the language from personal reasons to academic reasons to financial reasons. Here are a few answers I received from people I recently surveyed:

Sema, you've been taking English for about six years now. Why do you want to speak the language?

Sema"I already know a lot of English but I want to become perfectly fluent and speak properly because my husband is Australian and I want to be able to help my children with their homework and lessons. It's important for me to understand everything they are saying too (or they may talk about me behind my back!)"

Laurent, you are just starting English at 46 years old. That's wonderful! Why are you learning English?

Laurent"I live in an international city and always wanted to meet people from other countries. I was scared to speak but I finally decided to do it. I want to be able to travel to the United States next year and I want to feel comfortable and maybe meet people too."

Fatih, I know you are studying English in school because it is a requirement. Are there any other reasons why you are studying English?

Fatih: "Yes, before I always said that I HAD to learn English. It's a requirement for school. For many years, I hated English until I started private lessons. Now, I am not afraid to speak. I go to an international school now and I have two classes in English. I made some friends and now I LOVE English and I want to go to university in the UK or California. It is changing my life and I love English. I love to listen to English music too, especially pop and I like rap a lot (but I don't understand much yet)." 

There are many reasons to learn English and it would be great if you could share your reasons with the rest of us.

I would also like to know your motivations because it will help me improve this website. It would be very helpful for me if you could fill out the form below!

Thanks so much!


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