Learn phrases in English with this fun video:
Matt Cutts: Try Something New for 30 Days

Ready to learn phrases in English?

This particular video is translated into 62 language so there's a good chance yours in included. There are several phrasal verbs and idioms so it's a good opportunity for you to see the meaning in your own language. Simply watch the video a second time with the subtitles on to get a translation in your own language.

Overview: Just follow these 4 easy steps

Step 1Watch the video. Just click below on the screen to start the video.

Step 2: Take the quiz. It's just practice, don't worry. I won't tell anyone if you don't do well on the quiz.

Step 3: Were the video and quiz hard? If so, read the transcript. Or, watch the video with subtitles (in English or in your own language if available).

Step 4: Leave comments. Here's your chance to practice writing.

Okay, let's begin!

Step #1: Watch the video

Click below on the arrow to watch the video.

Step #2: Take the quiz 

Check your understanding by taking a short quiz. Click here to begin. If you want, you can first learn phrases in English before you take the quiz by reading the full transcript (see below) where I have highlighted some very helpful new phrases and phrasal verbs.


Step #3: Watch the video with subtitles &/or read the transcript

This is just part of the transcript. You can read the whole transcript by clicking below. Learn phrases in English by looking at the words in blue.

Transcript of Matt Cutts' speech: 

A few years ago, I felt like I was stuck in a rut, so I decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock, and try something new for 30 days.

The idea is actually pretty simple.

Think about something you've always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days. It turns out, 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit or subtract a habit -- like watching the news -- from your life.

There's a few things I learned while doing these 30-day challenges.

The first was, instead of the months flying by, forgotten, the time was much more memorable. This was part of a challenge I did to take a picture every day for a month. And I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that day.

I also noticed that as I started to do more and harder 30-day challenges, my self-confidence grew. I went from desk-dwelling computer nerd to the kind of guy who bikes to work -- for fun.

Click here for the full transcript and instructions for how to view the video with English subtitles or a translation in your language.

Step #4: Writing practice

How to improve your English vocabulary? After you learn phrases in English, you need to write them in your own sentences. That's the best way to remember them again in the future. You can do it! Just pick a couple of phrases.

Share your thoughts about Matt Cutt's TED Talk!

Want to improve your English? Here's your chance. Listening is good, but writing is even better. Why? Because you have to produce your own sentences. It's easy. Here are some sample questions you could answer (pick one or more):

- Did you like this talk?

- What was interesting or surprising about it?

- Matt had a question for all of us: "What are you waiting for?...Why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot for the next 30 days." Will you try something? If so, what will it be?

- A goal of this lesson was to learn phrases in English. Try to use some of the phrases that we learned in your answer: stuck in a rut / give it a shot / give up / end up / figure out / turn out / by the way / months flying by

Write anything you want. Just write something. This is your chance to improve your English.
Thanks for visiting!

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Try something try!Just give it a shot! 
Yo tell the truth, I'm really keen on this TED talk! It just inspires me to try something new to form a good habit or expand my skill set. It just …

College life 
During the time of my college, I felt I was stuck in a rut. With time flying by, I still feel confused immensely although I pull all my weight at studying. …

My 75 Hard Challenge  
Actually I am stuck in a rut too so I decided to start a challenge named 75 hard. But I do it in my own way. Now by watching this video it turns out …

Let's give it a shot! 
In my opinion, Matt Cutt is right, we need to make some changes in our life. Firstly, to become better. I mean going to the gym or walking in the morning …

Let's give it a shot! 
To tell the truth, I don't really like Matt Cutt's idea. I consider it to be unrealistic and not very helpful. There are several reasons, why I think so. …

First English essay I wrote 
I really enjoyed this talk. I did not realized that we can add new good habit in 30 days challenge. Although I am not stuck in rut, I'd like to participate …

Try something new, surprising changes! 
Matt Cutts's talk is so impressive. After listening it, instead of continuing to be stuck in a rut, thoughts inside motivate me to try something new in …

Change old habit enjoy new life 
I really like this talk. I almost see myself in his story. In my first year after graduation, I was actually stuck in a rut. I used to lie on my bed after …

Focus - A Review of Matt Cutt's Idea on 30 Day Trial 
I liked the idea, it's more about exercising your mind to focus on something and not give up until it's done. I think that's one of the most important …

Stuck in a Rut 
It turns out interesting that Matt has explained in this video. If you want to do something, even it seems a craziness, you don´t give it up. Most …

We are what we repeatedly do  Not rated yet
For me, I strongly agree with Matt Cutt's idea. Honestly, we usually stuck in a rut whenever we face with the new problems. That makes years go flying …

My reflection on Matt Cutt's TED Talk Not rated yet
I am grateful to come across this website to broaden my knowledge on English speaking and writing fluently. Listening to Matt has challenge me to figure …

30 days challenge Not rated yet
As for me, i can't fully agree with Matt Cutt's idea for the following reasons. our life today consists of many responsibilities at work, at school, at …

Let's give it a shot! Your life will be more colorful Not rated yet
Such a great speech! I followed his footsteps. Instead of letting a month flying by, forgotten, I made it much more memorable by giving a shot in something …

Looking for my skills Not rated yet
In my life, I give a shot a lot of things, like play guitar, play piano etc, but after a long time I have figured out to why I´m not be able to do it. …

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You can also watch this video on Ted's website.

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